
A Project Management Tool Known for its Robust Issue Tracking Capabilities

Effortlessly receive alert notifications through Jira cited in the Ticketing category, by following the below steps for installation and setup:

  1. In the application page, navigate to the integration settings and choose to enable Jira integration. You may be prompted to install it.

  2. On the Jira Authorization Page, click 'Accept' to proceed.

3. Fill out the form as shown below and click 'Create Template'.

When an incident occurs, the following data will be reflected in the Jira Issue:

  • Name: This refers to the name of the template associated with the issue.

  • Account: Its the same as Account URL.

  • Project: From the list of projects you have established in Jira, choose the specific project that you wish to integrate the alert with.

  • Issue Type: Jira offers various issue types such as Task, Story, Epic, and more. Select the appropriate issue type that best fits the nature of the incident.

  • Reporter: The reporter is the individual from whom the notification regarding the incident originates.

  • Assignee: This represents the person who is assigned to handle and address the incident.

Usage: Ticket creation in Jira for incident tracking.

When an alert is generated, it appears in the 'TO DO' list.

Clicking on the issue redirects you to a page displaying a brief description of the issue. On the right, you'll find the reporter, assignee, and labels. You can also add comments.

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated Jira to manage and track alert notifications. This integration enhances your incident management workflow, ensuring efficient resolution and follow-up.

Last updated