Monitoring's and Results
In PerfAgents Uncloud, the tenant can access the Monitorings section from the sidebar, which provides details about end-user monitorings. This section includes the following information:
Name: The name of the function being monitored.
ID: ID of the respective function being monitored.
Type: The type of monitoring, whether Ping Monitoring, REST API Monitoring, or Sequence Monitoring.
Frequency: Specifies how often the script should run.
Availability: Indicates whether the function being monitored is available or not.
Response Time: The time taken to send the response back to the end user (Tenant's users).
State: Describes the current state of the monitoring.
Location: Indicates whether the monitoring is conducted from a single, or multiple locations.
Latest Run: The timestamp of the last monitoring execution.
Status: Reflects whether a monitoring is active, disabled, or under maintenance.
Meatballs menu: Provides options like enable/disable, run, delete, and edit for ease of operations.
To simplify operations, the tenant can use the multiple-select option.
If filtering out unnecessary items is required, the filter option proves handy.
Additionally, the search box allows the tenant to perform specific searches.
The Monitoring page also offers a Refresh and Download button.
Once a monitoring is created, a summary popup is displayed to the tenant.
To access comprehensive details about a specific monitoring, the tenant can click on its monitor name or any other field. The details include the list mentioned above, along with 'Monitor Details,' 'Configuration Details,' 'Latest Run Details,' Availability, and Average Response Time.
At the bottom of this details page, there is a 'Forensic Data' button. Clicking on this button takes the tenant to a page with more in-depth information.
In this section, you'll find information on your monitors, including details on percentiles (p50, p90, and p99), the number of incidents, the latest runs, monitors currently running, average availability, and average response time. The number of incidents shown is for the past seven days, but tenants can change it to the past 30 days if they wish. Additionally, the latest ten runs are displayed, and by clicking on any of them, you can access detailed information on that specific test run.
Please note that the percentile values (p50, p90, and p99) are specific to Ping and REST API monitoring only.
Clicking the 'View More' button lists specific details of the monitor, such as Executed At, Status, Response Time, Availability, and Location. Clicking on any of these fields displays elaborate information about the test, including the actions carried out between the start and stop of the test. For API monitors, it showcases Response Data and Response Header, while for Ping monitors, it displays screenshots and HTTP/S Requests. Requests can be filtered using the options provided in the Request section and can be downloaded as needed.
The filtering options include Timeline, Monitor name, Status, and Executed At, providing flexibility for the tenant to choose the desired fields for filtering.
Clicking 'Create Monitoring' exposes the tenant to a page where different types of monitoring can be chosen, such as Ping Monitoring, REST API Monitoring, or Sequence Monitoring.
Ping monitoring: Simple HTTP/HTTPS endpoint monitoring.
REST API monitoring: Monitors APIs effortlessly with a powerful HTTP-based monitoring solution.
Sequence monitoring: Ideal for proper end-to-end web transaction monitoring.
Last updated