Maintenance Window

Schedule and Manage Maintenance Windows

By utilizing the maintenance window feature, you can set up pre-planned maintenance activities for the systems you are monitoring. This helps you avoid running monitoring and receiving alerts during specific periods.

To create a Maintenance Window, follow these steps:

  1. Click on 'Add Maintenance', which will take you to the page displayed below.

  1. Fill in the required fields:

  • Name: Give a name to the Maintenance Window.

  • Start At: Specify the date and time when the maintenance should start.

  • Duration: Indicate the duration for the maintenance to be carried out.

  • Timezone: Specify the timezone that should be taken into consideration.

  • Repeats On: Choose the frequency for repeating the maintenance, if necessary.

  • Included Monitoring / Tags: Either select the monitorings that need to be included for maintenance, or specify the tags.

  1. Once all the required fields are filled, click on Save. The maintenance window will be created and displayed as shown below.

The maintenance window provides the options to 'Edit' and 'Delete'. You can edit all the fields and add more monitorings to the Maintenance if needed.

During the maintenance period, the status of the included monitorings in the Monitorings page will be changed to 'Maintenance'. This ensures that monitoring and alerts for those specific monitorings will be temporarily suspended until the maintenance window is over.

Last updated